Custom Query (178 matches)


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Results (101 - 178 of 178)

1 2

Status: new (76 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#1288 Package edit/creation can't include 'relationships' field defect minor ckan
#1326 Write a set of auth plugin functions to integrate with Druapl enhancement minor ckan
#1336 License fudge johnglover defect minor ckan
#1382 Deleted resources are present for harvested package thejimmyg defect minor uklii
#1424 Openness notice should be clearer enhancement minor ckan
#1544 delete old git branches task minor ckan
#2247 Resource preview glitch in some browsers enhancement minor ckan
#2277 Use the new atom feeds in IATI icmurray refactor minor ckan
#2310 Refactor the search-query construction in icmurray enhancement minor ckan
#2395 paster db clean/init don't work when spatial extension enabled defect minor ckan
#1260 Remove duplicate functions from _util.html enhancement trivial ckan
#1261 Investigate dots in extras search defect trivial ckan
#1647 add links to ckan discuss & dev to thedatahub enhancement trivial ckan
#1823 Spring clean bin directory enhancement trivial ckan
#140 News section on front page enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#331 Timezone of CKAN timestamps should be configurable enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#351 Homepage: list new, updated and 'hot' packages enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#369 "Package Listing Key" should appear on Tag results enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#370 Use better email encryption for author_email and maintainer_email enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#653 Trackback links for packages requirement awaiting triage ckan
#737 Markdown syntax summary page enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#811 Extra field editing form layout breaks when there are long field names defect awaiting triage ckan
#812 Package edit form only allows three extra fields defect awaiting triage ckan
#818 Rethinking the author and maintainer fields requirement awaiting triage ckan
#837 CKAN integration with freebase gridworks / google refine enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#895 Add version number (or simular) to css/js includes query string defect awaiting triage ckan
#1009 Improvements to user accounts sytem pudo enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1077 Move to simpler vdm system kindly enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1101 Integrate googlanalytics into site nav enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1120 Atom feeds of each tag enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1144 Support DSPL enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1145 Support the Handle System enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1179 Support tag aliases enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1182 Comments from deleted packages appear in "Recent Comments" feed defect awaiting triage ckan
#1184 Support Wuala as CKAN storage option enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1185 Administrators can't delete packages from web UI defect awaiting triage ckan
#1188 Allow diffing against initial (blank) package version enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1201 seperate out logic in atom feeds to logic layer. enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1203 Moderated edits: html code shows as "changed" although it is not johnglover defect awaiting triage ckan
#1227 Display packages' tags in search results enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1232 [super] Interface improvements enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1233 [super] Improve wiki-style functionality for history enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1273 Create docs for API v3 requirement awaiting triage ckan
#1278 Refactor authorized_query calls enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1355 Package extras property does not include the newly created ones defect awaiting triage ckan
#1384 CKAN wiki needs updating to refer to instead of and datasets instead of packages rgrp task awaiting triage ckan
#1403 Refactor groups index page zephod enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1406 Re-enable RSS subscriptions enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1411 Force resource format to be lower case (also mimetype) zephod enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1414 track user log-ins on enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1423 Edit resources suggestions enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1429 Provide DOIs for datasets in a CKAN instance rgrp enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1432 [super] Data processing system for CKAN and Webstore enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1459 Featured Dataset feature rgrp enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1535 Plump for auth header of: X-CKAN-API-KEY enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1578 [super] Re-enable and refactor ratings enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1598 Reinstate Ratings enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1604 Get ckanext-moderatededits working with CKAN 1.5+ templates enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1606 metadata license config option enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1635 Email notifications (e.g. for activity streams) seanh enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1642 Extra link generators generate garbled HTML defect awaiting triage ckan
#1643 Add fixed tags to thedatahub for better browsing enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1644 Order default dataset page by most downloaded resources on thedatahub enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1668 repoze version discrepency defect awaiting triage ckan
#1679 Default roles problem enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1697 A Configurable list of states for a Dataset enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1717 [super] Search UX improvements enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1747 Expire old activities enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1750 Move ckan/lib/ into the model enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1789 Implement a tag_update() logic action function enhancement awaiting triage ecportal
#2486 Should be able to use . in dataset names defect awaiting triage ckan
#2508 Make it possible to run CKAN tests for each language enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#2531 New state option: archived / deprecated enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#2729 searching for tags:[tag] works but tag:[tag] doesn't kindly enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#2960 Private datasets are not private task awaiting triage ckan
#2962 Search across multiple ckan instances enhancement awaiting triage ckan

Status: reopened (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#350 Search engine optimisation enhancement awaiting triage ckan
#1341 Delete spam users from ckan kindly enhancement awaiting triage ckan
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.