Current Milestone by Owner (84 matches)


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Owner: Adria (1 match)

Ticket Summary Milestone Status Owner Priority Keywords
#2757 Write documentation for upgrading a CKAN install from an older to a newer version of CKAN ckan-v1.8 closed Adria awaiting merge docs

Owner: amercader (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Status Owner Priority Keywords
#1678 Make synchronous search the default behaviour ckan-v1.8 closed amercader awaiting merge search
#2388 Update "out of the box" settings for CKAN ckan-v1.8 closed amercader awaiting merge
#2389 More robust handling of DataExplorer errors ckan-v1.8 closed amercader major
#2399 Model cleanup in CKAN core has broken ckanext-spatial ckan-v1.8 closed amercader awaiting triage
#2467 Fix stats extension frontend ckan-v1.8 closed amercader minor
#2472 clean up datastore controller to get rid of datastore_url enables checks ckan-v1.8 closed amercader minor datastore
#2534 ckanext-spatial is broken with CKAN 1.8b ckan-v1.8 closed amercader awaiting triage
#2604 Add Requests as requirement for tests ckan-v1.8 closed amercader minor
#2639 Update recline version for 1.8 release ckan-v1.8 closed amercader awaiting merge recline

Owner: icmurray (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Status Owner Priority Keywords
#1737 Expose solr-based search API ckan-v1.8 closed icmurray major [0.5d]
#2313 Deprecate old facet data structures and related functions. ckan-v1.8 closed icmurray awaiting merge deprecate deprecation
#2347 Related stuff dashboard and changes ckan-v1.8 closed icmurray awaiting merge [6d][r:2d] ui
#2437 Add coding standards to CKAN docs ckan-v1.8 closed icmurray awaiting merge [0.5d]
#2438 resource_search action not accessible via GET request ckan-v1.8 closed icmurray awaiting merge [1d]
#2439 tag_search and tag_autocomplete not fully available via GET request ckan-v1.8 closed icmurray awaiting merge [0.5d]
#2651 Check support for TSV which doesn't appear to work well. ckan-v1.8 closed icmurray awaiting triage
#2672 Session.is_modified should use passive=True ckan-v1.8 closed icmurray awaiting triage
#2859 Fix the build ckan-v1.8 new icmurray blocker build buildkit

Owner: johnglover (1 match)

Ticket Summary Milestone Status Owner Priority Keywords
#1732 Update CKAN's search for taxonomies ckan-v1.8 closed johnglover awaiting triage taxonomies

Owner: rgrp (1 match)

Ticket Summary Milestone Status Owner Priority Keywords
#2279 Write tutorial for our DataStore API / Data Explorer ckan-v1.8 new rgrp major

Owner: ross (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Status Owner Priority Keywords
#1279 Refactor or deprecate Authorization Groups ckan-v1.8 closed ross awaiting triage authz
#1512 Modifying user name makes you semi-log-out ckan-v1.8 closed ross minor
#2374 tag search paging ckan-v1.8 closed ross major
#2381 Related item count on ALL dataset pages ckan-v1.8 closed ross awaiting triage
#2500 get_action should raise an exception if the action requested doesn't exist ckan-v1.8 closed ross awaiting merge
#2605 Problem with user.get_groups ckan-v1.8 closed ross awaiting triage
#2624 Organizations breaks dataset tag editing ckan-v1.8 closed ross major organizations cmap
#2649 Description on resources not rendered as markdown ckan-v1.8 closed ross awaiting triage
#2650 Description on resources not rendered as markdown ckan-v1.8 closed ross awaiting triage
#2670 model.Group.get_children_groups returns deleted groups ckan-v1.8 closed ross awaiting merge

Owner: seanh (24 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Status Owner Priority Keywords
#1434 Add i18n strings from extensions ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting merge i18n
#1471 Be compatible with new ubuntu release in April ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting triage
#2273 Review publisher organisations code with Ross ckan-v1.8 closed seanh minor [1d]
#2290 Mark facet titles in search pages for translation ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting triage ecportal i18n
#2305 User dashboard with private consolidated activity stream ckan-v1.8 closed seanh minor activity_streams
#2340 Get Jenkins to automatically run core extensions tests ckan-v1.8 closed seanh minor jenkins
#2344 Get jenkins install script into CKAN core ckan-v1.8 closed seanh minor jenkins
#2428 Reduce/sort out CKAN's dependencies ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting merge dev_meetup_2012-05
#2434 Fix autodoc on readthedocs again ckan-v1.8 closed seanh major
#2435 ckanext-qa doesn't work with CKAN 1.7+ ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting triage
#2533 ckanext-harvest is broken with ckan 1.8b ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting triage
#2592 Update and simplify source install instructions ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting triage docs
#2600 Replace broken "Login to Add an Organization" button ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting triage organizations cmap
#2615 Add activity stream activity when a user starts to follow something ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting triage activity_streams follow
#2627 IDatasetForm.form_to_db_schema() is not called ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting triage
#2630 UPdate docs after IDatasetForm schema change ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting triage docs
#2682 CKAN's internal tracking counts each view twice, needs unit tests ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting merge
#2693 License is out of date ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting triage
#2756 Fix handling of extras in group read ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting merge
#2770 Some strings potentially not marked for translation ckan-v1.8 closed seanh blocker
#2772 Update transifex for 1.8 translations ckan-v1.8 closed seanh major i18n
#2843 Adding existing datasets to organizations is broken ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting merge organizations cmap
#2845 Editing an organization removes all datasets from the organization ckan-v1.8 closed seanh awaiting merge organizations cmap
#2771 Documentation and examples for IDatasetForm and IGroupForm ckan-v1.8 new seanh awaiting triage docs

Owner: toby (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Status Owner Priority Keywords
#1387 Not specifying a protocol in dataset url causes broken link to be served on dataset view page ckan-v1.8 closed toby awaiting merge
#2289 Flash messages are not being translated? ckan-v1.8 closed toby awaiting merge ecportal i18n
#2484 move follower functionality into helper functions ckan-v1.8 closed toby awaiting merge
#2591 postgres unicode problems postgres v9.1.4 ckan-v1.8 closed toby critical
#2634 change log - helper function limited in 1.8 ckan-v1.8 closed toby awaiting merge
#2638 add a get from request param helper function ckan-v1.8 closed toby awaiting merge
#2816 DomainObjectOperation not in model ckan-v1.8 closed toby awaiting merge
#2363 Documentation of best caching practice. ckan-v1.8 new toby major [1d]
#2433 API uses name not id for some version 3 calls ckan-v1.8 new toby minor
#2499 Documentation for the internal analytics ckan-v1.8 new toby awaiting triage

Owner: anonymous (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Status Owner Priority Keywords
#2283 [super] Data Previewer / Viewer v3 ckan-v1.8 closed awaiting triage
#2309 Organizations review with SH ckan-v1.8 closed awaiting triage [0.5d]
#2319 Better auto-complete for groups on dataset edit page ckan-v1.8 closed awaiting triage ux
#2495 Stats page has lost styling ... ckan-v1.8 closed awaiting triage
#2608 Uploading a file to a resource hangs ckan-v1.8 closed awaiting triage storage
#2811 Author doesn't show on dataset read page ckan-v1.8 closed awaiting triage
#2839 Specifying sort order breaks search results on group page ckan-v1.8 closed awaiting triage
#2842 Allow sort ordering of dataset listings on group pages ckan-v1.8 closed awaiting triage
#2872 Non-open licenses are marked as open ckan-v1.8 closed major
#2937 GroupController.history() missing extras_as_string ckan-v1.8 closed awaiting triage
#2761 Document all the errors you can get when setting up filestore, and how to fix them ckan-v1.8 new awaiting triage docs
#2762 crashes ckan-v1.8 new awaiting triage
#2919 Remove IController from docs ckan-v1.8 new awaiting triage docs
#2936 Updating a group via the API clears its packages ckan-v1.8 new awaiting triage
#2958 Uploading files with unicode characters in filename fails in CKAN 1.7 and 1.8 ckan-v1.8 new awaiting triage
#2963 Timeout on tag pages with lots of datasets ckan-v1.8 new major
#2965 Stats extension broken on 1.8 ckan-v1.8 new awaiting triage stats
#3002 API v1/2 'legacy' search parameters must be escaped before they are put into a Solr query string ckan-v1.8 new minor
#3003 New pg databases should be created with UTF8 encoding rather than system default ckan-v1.8 new awaiting triage
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.