{9} Agile Backlog (495 matches)

Tickets showing cost and value estimates, and ordered by their ratio.

Results (201 - 300 of 495)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Severity Owner Status Created Value Cost Ratio
#2554 Research Virtuoso cartridges ckan ckan-backlog assigned 06/18/12 -100
#2607 'Upload a file' appears on resource form when storage not enabled ckan ckan-backlog assigned 06/27/12 -100
#2732 New file upload functionality ckan ckan-backlog assigned 07/23/12 -100
#2960 Private datasets are not private ckan ckan-backlog new 10/08/12 -100
#2962 Search across multiple ckan instances ckan ckan-backlog new 10/08/12 -100
#1165 Add multi-site support to ckan ckan ckan-future new 05/26/11 -100
#1457 Bug with DataNL instance ckan ckan-future new 11/10/11 -100
#1596 Refactor authz roles ckan ckan-future new 12/22/11 -100
#1740 Get rid of `from module import ...` ckan ckan-future new 02/01/12 -100
#1749 Allow creating activity details through API ckan ckan-future assigned 02/05/12 -100
#1787 [super] Improve RESTful API ckan ckan-future new 02/08/12 -100
#1790 Click to delete tags, rather than have all existing tags in the tag text box ckan ckan-future new 02/10/12 -100
#1800 Tidy up *_list() and *_search() functions in ckan/logic/action/get.py ckan ckan-future new 02/16/12 -100
#1824 Add vocabulary pages ckan ckan-future new 02/21/12 -100
#2202 Display page view count on dataset and resource pages ckan ckan-future reopened 03/03/12 -100
#2234 Write a CKAN extension for pulling items from RSS/Atom feeds into CKAN templates ckan ckan-future assigned 03/16/12 -100
#2235 Group drop down on dataset edit should use chosen and sort groups by name ckan ckan-future new 03/16/12 -100
#2258 Customizable contributor agreement ckan ckan-future new 03/26/12 -100
#2265 'More Like This' for a dataset ckan ckan-future new 03/27/12 -100
#2287 Consistent datetime and time period strings localization ckan ckan-future new 04/12/12 -100
#2378 Extract metadata directly from resources that contain it. ckan ckan-future assigned 05/10/12 -100
#2404 Auto-screenshot for related items ckan ckan-future assigned 05/21/12 -100
#2552 Controlling access to features ckan ckan-future assigned 06/18/12 -100
#2573 package_search does not allow solr's per-field facet parameters ckan ckan-future new 06/19/12 -100
#2810 heroku ckan support ckan ckan-future new 08/07/12 -100
#2761 Document all the errors you can get when setting up filestore, and how to fix them ckan ckan-v1.8 new 07/26/12 -100
#2762 test_related.py crashes ckan ckan-v1.8 new 07/26/12 -100
#2919 Remove IController from docs ckan ckan-v1.8 new 09/12/12 -100
#2936 Updating a group via the API clears its packages ckan ckan-v1.8 new 09/19/12 -100
#2958 Uploading files with unicode characters in filename fails in CKAN 1.7 and 1.8 ckan ckan-v1.8 new 10/04/12 -100
#2965 Stats extension broken on 1.8 ckan ckan-v1.8 new 10/15/12 -100
#3003 New pg databases should be created with UTF8 encoding rather than system default ckan ckan-v1.8 new 10/19/12 -100
#2763 Multilingual tests failing ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 07/26/12 -100
#2846 Organizations allows you to set an organization as the parent organization of itself ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 08/13/12 -100
#2881 Remove or improve 'Domain Model' docs page ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 08/21/12 -100
#2882 Remove User Stories Overview from docs? ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 08/21/12 -100
#2883 Add high level dev overview to 'For CKAN Developers' section of docs ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 08/21/12 -100
#2884 Lock icon shown next to unknown licenses ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 08/21/12 -100
#2890 Collect data previews and data store docs in one chapter ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 08/28/12 -100
#2891 Update or remove DataStore google presentation ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 08/28/12 -100
#2892 IDatasetForm's form_to_db_schema() breaks API? ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 08/28/12 -100
#2893 Tags missing from form_to_db_package_schema() ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 08/28/12 -100
#2894 Empty lists get stripped from package dicst in package_show() ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 08/28/12 -100
#2896 resource_create crashes on ValidationErrors with KeyError: 'resources' ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 08/29/12 -100
#2897 db_to_form_package_schema() crashes historical dataset page ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 08/30/12 -100
#2900 snippets/package_list.html template crashes on dataset that has no 'notes' ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 08/30/12 -100
#2912 ckanext/organizations: Neither public or private initially selected when adding dataset ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 09/10/12 -100
#2914 Add form_to_db_schema_options() to IDatasetForm and IGroupForm ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 09/12/12 -100
#3006 Update translations from Transifex ckan ckan-v1.8.1 new 10/29/12 -100
#1745 Dataset search UX improvements as of Jan 2012 ckan ckan-v1.9 new 02/02/12 -100
#2320 Introduce new state: archived ckan ckan-v1.9 new 04/23/12 -100
#2321 Use resource names/titles in URLs ckan ckan-v1.9 new 04/24/12 -100
#2324 Link API docs to relevant version not just latest ckan ckan-v1.9 new 04/25/12 -100
#2328 Link to Catalog API for each Dataset, Group and Tag ckan ckan-v1.9 new 04/26/12 -100
#2333 Introduce new resource type datastore ckan ckan-v1.9 new 04/28/12 -100
#2479 Meanings of Author and Maintainer fields are unclear ckan ckan-v1.9 new 05/31/12 -100
#2480 Better message when dataset has no resources ckan ckan-v1.9 new 05/31/12 -100
#2483 Non-local resources should not have Download links ckan ckan-v1.9 new 05/31/12 -100
#2529 DataHub (or CKAN) widgets ckan ckan-v1.9 new 06/15/12 -100
#2543 facet.sort is not available in the package_search action ckan ckan-v1.9 new 06/18/12 -100
#2585 Escape solr control characters in search queries, add advanced search screen ckan ckan-v1.9 new 06/22/12 -100
#2625 Add i18n strings from non-core but supported extensions to ckan.pot file ckan ckan-v1.9 new 07/02/12 -100
#2838 Context variables accepted by action functions need to be documented ckan ckan-v1.9 new 08/10/12 -100
#2885 Labels (editor, admin) not translated in authorization pages for datasets or groups ckan ckan-v1.9 new 08/22/12 -100
#2889 Support JSON values in extras, when returning JSON from API ckan ckan-v1.9 new 08/24/12 -100
#2869 user profile not linked on disqus until page refresh ckan demo phase 4 new 08/16/12 -100
#2748 add 'add new resource' button to sidebar ckan demo phase 5 new 07/25/12 -100
#2786 target blank HTML downloads ckan demo phase 5 new 08/01/12 -100
#2795 Check validation of HTML, CSS, JS ckan demo phase 5 new 08/02/12 -100
#2820 English Language: Visualization -> Visualisation ckan demo phase 5 new 08/09/12 -100
#2821 Featured Items on Filter ckan demo phase 5 new 08/09/12 -100
#2854 no way to see which dataset an app is related to on /apps page ckan demo phase 5 new 08/15/12 -100
#2898 Looses data entered on step 1 of create dataset after login ckan demo phase 5 new 08/30/12 -100
#2899 Step 2 > Save & add another bug ckan demo phase 5 new 08/30/12 -100
#2904 Show more formats/groups/tags shouldn't display if there aren't more ckan demo phase 5 new 09/05/12 -100
#2905 Add dataset URL key behaviour ckan demo phase 5 new 09/05/12 -100
#2908 Dataset related with image should retain aspect ratio ckan demo phase 5 new 09/06/12 -100
#2909 User profile headers are a bit weird ckan demo phase 5 new 09/06/12 -100
#2910 User listings are not very compelling ckan demo phase 5 new 09/06/12 -100
#2867 1.8 url_for error ckan new 08/16/12 -200
#1562 Finish Geo Spatial ckan ckan-future Adria new 12/19/11 -100
#1557 Complete Webstore Preview Extension ckan ckan-future David Rasnik new 12/19/11 -100
#1558 Publisher Tools ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1560 Follow extension ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1561 To do extension ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1564 Structured Data (Data API) ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1567 Finish QA extension ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1569 Wordpressser ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1572 Meta data Harvester ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1573 Apps and Ideas ckan ckan-future David Raznik new 12/19/11 -100
#1565 Admin dashboard finished? ckan ckan-future Rufus Pollock new 12/19/11 -100
#2938 Explain bundling in doc/resources.rst ckan Toby new 09/24/12 -100
#2949 Reenable Data API button on the new theme ckan amercader new 10/01/12 200
#728 CSW Harvesting shall be optimised in respect of reharvesting only records that have changed uklii ckan-backlog amercader assigned 10/21/10 200
#794 Investigate reconciling UKLP Publisher and Provider with DGU uklii ckan-backlog amercader assigned 11/08/10 200
#1152 True support for generic CSW servers uklii ckan-backlog amercader new 05/23/11 200
#1818 Spatial metadata editor ckan ckan-future amercader new 02/20/12 200
#3026 Support icons on nav_named_link ckan amercader new 11/30/12 100
#3023 New methods on IPackageController to provide access to the data_dict ckan amercader new 11/22/12 -100
#3025 Add requests to core requirements ckan amercader new 11/27/12 -100
1 2 3 4 5
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