Custom Query (21 matches)


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Status: closed (21 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#996 Run some basic load testing. kindly task minor fixed 3 years
#371 The system shall monitor QoS against SLA nils.toedtmann requirement critical fixed 4 years
#480 Catalogue service shall conform to specification thejimmyg requirement minor fixed 4 years
#539 The system shall improve performance wwaites requirement awaiting triage invalid 4 years
#366 A flash message says why you are redirected to the 'user login' page pudo enhancement major fixed 4 years
#933 get rid of self when it should be cls in classmethods enhancement minor fixed 3 years
#965 make migration testing plugin to nose kindly enhancement major fixed 3 years
#1038 Authz tool - operate on all packages at once dread enhancement major fixed 3 years
#1039 Default user roles read from config dread enhancement major fixed 3 years
#1076 Improve revision and package purge system johnlawrenceaspden enhancement major fixed 3 years
#435 Switching between ckan instances causes orphaned postgres processes thejimmyg defect awaiting triage wontfix 4 years
#560 Deleted packages showing up in tag lists kindly defect blocker fixed 4 years
#662 Can't put entity that is returned by posting to package register sebbacon defect blocker fixed 4 years
#663 Duplicate sibling relationships displayed kindly defect major fixed 4 years
#664 Sibling relationships shown for deleted packages kindly defect awaiting triage fixed 4 years
#893 ExtrasField should not overwrite more specific extras defect major wontfix 3 years
#894 harvest from wwaites defect critical invalid 3 years
#929 Handle the case when the licenses service is down better rgrp defect minor fixed 3 years
#1012 Add package revision history to api kindly defect minor fixed 3 years
#1040 File system mounted thejimmyg defect blocker fixed 3 years
#1088 content-type autonegotiation is wonky defect awaiting triage fixed 3 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.