Custom Query (28 matches)


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Status: closed (28 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#2440 Create demo homepage toby enhancement minor fixed 2 years
#2501 Implement three step dataset creation in demo site toby enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2523 New package metadata form needs creating toby enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2525 Demo theme should auto-generate slugs on forms aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2528 Create demo edit dataset page aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2532 show activity steam for user no js toby enhancement awaiting triage fixed 23 months
#2556 Update module styles on the demo theme aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2557 Demo issues on the search dataset page aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2558 Demo site add dataset has missing functionality aron.carroll enhancement blocker fixed 23 months
#2561 Demo theme edit dataset is missing functionality aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2563 Add font based icons to the demo theme aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2564 Updates to additional info fields on datasets aron.carroll enhancement minor fixed 23 months
#2565 Social links to open in new tab/JS lightbox aron.carroll enhancement minor fixed 23 months
#2566 add back buttons to create dataset process toby enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2567 remove resource type field from add data step aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2571 implement logic.action.create.resource_create() kindly enhancement blocker fixed 23 months
#2574 look at package states kindly enhancement awaiting triage fixed 23 months
#2576 resource side box in dataset resource view broken aron.carroll enhancement awaiting triage fixed 23 months
#2580 create resource validation kindly enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2584 edit profile needs new theme aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2586 edit dataset - tags broken toby enhancement awaiting triage fixed 23 months
#2587 author/maintainer not shown if email missing shevski enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2588 search index for new package toby enhancement awaiting triage fixed 23 months
#2597 Demo add dataset throws error if tags are empty toby enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2598 stages css broken in FF aron.carroll enhancement minor fixed 22 months
#2606 make fanstatic use full path toby enhancement awaiting triage fixed 22 months
#2611 Text / link changes aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 22 months
#2610 Text / link changes aron.carroll enhancement awaiting triage duplicate 22 months
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.