Custom Query (4 matches)
Status: closed (3 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Type | Priority | Resolution | Created |
#1810 | Store list of Eurovoc tag names and IDs | johnglover | enhancement | major | wontfix | 2 years |
#1811 | Translate Eurovoc tags from ID to dataset language | johnglover | enhancement | major | wontfix | 2 years |
#1812 | Restrict editing rights/permissions based on publisher | johnglover | enhancement | major | fixed | 2 years |
Status: new (1 match) |
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Type | Priority | Resolution | Created |
#1789 | Implement a tag_update() logic action function | enhancement | awaiting triage | 2 years |
Note: See TracQuery
for help on using queries.