Custom Query (45 matches)


Show under each result:

Status: assigned (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#2412 More than one resource invalidatiing breaks dataset edit form zephod defect major 2 years

Status: closed (44 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#1587 QA - Check license as part of 5 star rating johnglover enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2429 Get track to send notifications when tickets get assigned to peopel seanh enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2432 Draft new trac methodology seanh enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2441 Create demo search page aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2442 Create demo dataset overview aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2443 Create demo dataset data (resource) page aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2444 Create demo dataset related page aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2445 Create demo dataset add related page toby enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2448 Create demo groups overview page aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2449 Create demo group page aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2450 Create demo add group form aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2455 Create demo register page aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2456 Create demo forgot password page aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2468 Finish off SlickGrid based Recline view amercader enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2474 Trial Jinja 2 as templating system aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2488 Group update via API fails validation with organization and publisher profile enabled johnglover defect major worksforme 2 years
#2491 Demo related page is missing breadcrumb toby enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2492 Demo create related form has broken error output toby enhancement major fixed 2 years
#2504 Remove all Genshi templates from demo theme aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2505 Docs improvements for 1.7.1 amercader enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2506 Pull latest translations from Transifex into CKAN 1.7.1 seanh enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2509 UI style broken on organization read page johnglover defect major fixed 23 months
#2510 Demo tag lists should link to the search page aron.carroll enhancement major fixed 23 months
#2527 Implement a method of loading templates into the demo site aron.carroll enhancement major wontfix 23 months
#2208 Export strings from ckan and ckanext-ecportal to combined pot file seanh enhancement minor fixed 2 years
#2494 Demo site has server error for a 404 toby enhancement minor invalid 2 years
#2502 Create Jinja block for common helpers toby enhancement minor fixed 23 months
#2503 Look into allowing theme extensions to extend base templates toby enhancement minor fixed 23 months
#2507 Search button on dataset search page wraps onto next line seanh enhancement minor fixed 23 months
#2568 Crop/shorten titles in breadcrumb headings aron.carroll enhancement minor fixed 23 months
#2570 add 'back to dataset' button to resource pages aron.carroll enhancement minor fixed 23 months
#2512 Bad link on demo site. toby enhancement trivial fixed 23 months
#2349 Make sure gets created ross enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#2365 Investigation of multisite ross enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#2379 RDF output, api/sparql ross enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#2391 Fix theme and customisations seanh task awaiting triage wontfix 2 years
#2425 Get rid of CKAN's flup dependency kindly enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#2476 Check that translating lists of strings is being tested in multilingual tests seanh defect awaiting triage wontfix 2 years
#2481 Move Coding_Standards.rst into Sphinx seanh enhancement awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#2490 Dataset term translation isn't working on user pages, ckanext/multilingual test failing seanh defect awaiting triage fixed 2 years
#2521 synchronous_search plugin missing from deployment.ini_tmpl seanh defect awaiting triage fixed 23 months
#2293 Rename of Group results in disappearance of associated datasets from group page ross defect awaiting merge fixed 2 years
#2366 Remove Authorization Groups ross enhancement awaiting merge fixed 2 years
#2414 Remove LXML as a dependency on core CKAN ross enhancement awaiting merge fixed 2 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.