Custom Query (18 matches)


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Status: closed (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#1325 python 2.5 incompatibilities dread defect minor ckan fixed
#1303 User can not login again if he has edited his profile amercader defect critical ckan fixed
#1277 Use solr query parser for search instead of ckan query parser johnglover enhancement major ckan fixed
#1295 Simplify package create form rgrp enhancement critical ckan fixed
#1304 Show more descriptive error messages when sending emails amercader enhancement minor ckan fixed
#1293 Rename Package to Dataset throughout WUI, API zephod enhancement major ckan fixed
#1309 Registering new user requires immediate login zephod enhancement minor ckan duplicate
#878 Integrate file upload with workflow around package resources rgrp enhancement blocker ckan fixed
#1297 In-place preview of edited description markdown on edit dataset form zephod enhancement major ckan fixed
#1296 Improved resource adding/editing on dataset/page page zephod enhancement major ckan fixed
#1307 Implement captcha for signup zephod enhancement critical ckan fixed
#1301 Give access to extensions from the old formalchemy controllers amercader defect major ckan fixed
#1108 Create a more modern theme for CKAN zephod enhancement major ckan fixed
#787 Auth API thejimmyg task major dgu fixed
#1276 Apply weighting to search fields in solr johnglover enhancement minor ckan fixed
#1324 Add extra fields to resource table kindly enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#1291 Add activity and activity detail tables. kindly enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#1310 API GET of a revision that has been approved causes exception dread defect minor ckan fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.