Custom Query (21 matches)


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Status: closed (21 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#2304 Watching/following of dataset/users seanh enhancement minor ckan fixed
#2314 parse_rfc_2822 tests failing in some timezones icmurray defect major ckan fixed
#2330 Make api read-actions GETable icmurray enhancement major ckan fixed
#2339 Demo install on RHEL/CentOS, and install instructions seanh enhancement major ckan fixed
#2352 Fix autodoc on CKAN's readthedocs seanh enhancement major ckan fixed
#2353 Provisional user stories for CMS + Blogging ross enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#2356 Localise JavaScript strings aron.carroll enhancement major ckan fixed
#2358 Finish off Release 1.7 amercader task major ckan fixed
#2359 Investigate pycsw integration amercader task major ckan fixed
#2360 Finish INSPIRE support proposal amercader enhancement major ckan fixed
#2361 Install ckanext-googleanalytics and ckanext-stats on PDEU amercader enhancement major ckan fixed
#2364 Investigation of payment gateways ross enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#2368 Fix OS X Lion install instructions on wiki seanh enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#2369 Pull latest translations from Transifex into CKAN 1.7 seanh enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#2373 Group autocomplete doesn't work with multiple words dread defect critical ckan fixed
#2376 Fix "no-sidebar" front page layout issue with CKAN 1.7 in some languages seanh defect awaiting triage ckan fixed
#2377 Upgrade to CKAN 1.7 and apply their new theme seanh enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#2384 Rights tool factored out dread enhancement major ckan fixed
#2338 Help with setup of new test instance for EC ODP (running on RedHat) johnglover enhancement major ecportal wontfix
#2343 Convert all non-free metadata fields to vocabulary fields johnglover enhancement major ecportal fixed
#2346 EC ODP Theme updates johnglover enhancement major ecportal fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.