Custom Query (147 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 147)

1 2

Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#415 Chase Talis about loading RDF from CKAN. task fixed
#428 Daily dump of DGU CKAN available requirement ckan fixed
#429 ONS data is imported daily to DGU requirement ckan fixed
#434 Logged in user to causes genshi exception defect critical fixed
#436 Investigate exception: resource search JSON bug wontfix
#437 Buildbot test failures - ascii codec bug fixed
#459 Versions on branches are broken bug fixed
#469 Unit test to check API key in correctly named HTTP header is accepted by server task fixed
#471 API user sends API key in correctly named header story
#472 API user sends API key in incorrectly named header story
#473 API user discovers correct header for sending API key story
#475 Unit test to check API key in incorrectly named HTTP header is not accepted by server task fixed
#478 Unit test for "interface resource" in API task fixed
#491 Get form for creating harvest source entity story
#492 Submit harvest source create form response to the API story
#493 Get harvest source entity story
#494 Get form for updating remote metadata entity story
#495 Put form for updating remote metadata entity story
#500 Exception from diff defect awaiting triage duplicate
#501 Read-only maintenance mode requirement ckan duplicate
#514 Inconsistent use of 'location' header in API defect awaiting triage duplicate
#516 Double-escaped text visible - revision page defect minor fixed
#535 genshi error when logged into defect awaiting triage duplicate
#558 Sort extras, relationships by key/object alphabetically defect awaiting triage fixed
#561 Deleted packages are returned in the API defect awaiting triage duplicate
#562 OpenID Login fails using Yahoo and Google defect blocker fixed
#567 Post new harvest job for given harvest source story
#575 The system shall notify remote metadata harvesting errors requirement ckan fixed
#577 Get remote metadata harvest job errors story
#578 Get remote metadata harvest job story
#579 Delete remote metadata harvest job story
#582 Domain object class for harvest source task fixed
#583 Define fieldset object for harvest source forms task fixed
#584 Migration script to add harvest source table task fixed
#585 Method on API controller to return harvest source create form task fixed
#586 Routing configuration for harvest source create form API resource task fixed
#587 Documentation for getting harvest source create form from API task fixed
#588 Method on API controller to accept valid harvest source create form submission task fixed
#589 Method on API controller to reject invalid harvest source create form submission task fixed
#590 Documentation for submitting harvest source create form submission to API task fixed
#591 Routing configuration for harvest source entity API resource task fixed
#592 Methods to return harvest source entity as JSON task fixed
#593 Method on API controller to return remote metadata edit form task fixed
#594 Routing configuration for remote metadata edit form API resource task fixed
#595 Documentation for getting remote metadata edit form from API task fixed
#596 Method on API controller to accept valid remote metadata edit form submission task fixed
#597 Method on API controller to reject invalid remote metadata edit form submission task fixed
#598 List remote metadata entities for given publisher story
#599 Routing configuration for listing remote metadata entities for a given publisher task fixed
#600 Method on API controller for listing remote metadata entities for a given publisher task fixed
#601 Documentation for listing remote metadata entities for a given publisher via API task fixed
#602 Method on API controller to accept valid harvest job task fixed
#603 Method on API controller to reject invalid harvest job task fixed
#604 Domain object class for harvest job task fixed
#605 Routing configuration for harvest job register task fixed
#606 Methods to return harvest job as JSON task fixed
#607 Routing configuration for harvest job entity task fixed
#608 Routing configuration for register of harvest jobs with error status task fixed
#609 Methods to return harvest jobs with error status as JSON task fixed
#618 Domain object class for metadata document task fixed
#619 Get HTTP response for given resource locator task fixed
#620 Identify remote metadata entity as metadata document, WAF, or CSW task fixed
#624 Read attribute 'title' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#625 Read attribute 'abstract' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#626 Read attribute 'point of contact' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#627 Read attribute 'guid' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#628 Read attribute 'bounding-box' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#629 Read attribute 'keywords' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#630 Read attribute 'use constraints' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#631 Read attribute 'resource-locator' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#632 Read attribute 'topic category' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#633 Read attribute '' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#634 Read attribute '' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#635 Read attribute '' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#636 Method on API controller to delete given harvest job task fixed
#638 Documentation for getting harvest source entity from API task fixed
#639 Documentation for posting harvest job to API task fixed
#640 Documentation for getting harvest job entity from API task fixed
#641 Documentation for getting harvest job errors from API task fixed
#642 Migration script to add harvest job table task fixed
#643 Migration script to add metadata document table task fixed
#644 Documentation for deleting harvest job entity task fixed
#652 Allow for addition and removal of groups on package/edit requirement ckan fixed
#654 Harvest sources and jobs should return 404 when missing (not 500) bug critical
#655 Return status code 404 when harvest source is not found story
#656 Return status code 404 when harvesting job is not found story
#657 Fix harvesting job entity get method to default to returning 'None' rather than raising an exception task fixed
#658 Fix harvest source entity get method to default to returning 'None' rather than raising an exception task fixed
#666 The system shall support updating packages from new versions of previously harvested dataset or service metadata requirement ckan fixed
#693 Support ETag in cache decorator requirement ckan fixed
#741 Extension / Plugin system for CKAN enhancement critical ckan fixed
#581 Determine package name from metadata document rgrp task fixed
#408 Integrate CMS via proxying pudo requirement ckan fixed
#410 Latest comments widget on home page pudo requirement DGU fixed
#411 Deploy and test Varnish on eu3 pudo requirement ckan fixed
#650 WUI editing for Authorization Groups pudo story fixed
#349 The system shall support authorised users to edit packages on johnbywater defect major ckan invalid
#372 Fix system limits on CKAN for DGU johnbywater bug critical ckan
#400 Configure DGU Public API with TSO johnbywater task fixed
#414 Change the Apache and Varnish ports johnbywater task fixed
(more results for this group on next page)
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.