Custom Query (147 matches)


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Results (101 - 147 of 147)

1 2

Status: closed (47 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#629 Read attribute 'keywords' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#630 Read attribute 'use constraints' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#631 Read attribute 'resource-locator' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#632 Read attribute 'topic category' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#633 Read attribute '' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#634 Read attribute '' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#635 Read attribute '' from local copy of metadata document task fixed
#636 Method on API controller to delete given harvest job task fixed
#638 Documentation for getting harvest source entity from API task fixed
#639 Documentation for posting harvest job to API task fixed
#640 Documentation for getting harvest job entity from API task fixed
#641 Documentation for getting harvest job errors from API task fixed
#642 Migration script to add harvest job table task fixed
#643 Migration script to add metadata document table task fixed
#644 Documentation for deleting harvest job entity task fixed
#645 Domain object and migration script to associate packages and harvester objects johnbywater task fixed
#650 WUI editing for Authorization Groups pudo story fixed
#652 Allow for addition and removal of groups on package/edit requirement ckan fixed
#655 Return status code 404 when harvest source is not found story
#656 Return status code 404 when harvesting job is not found story
#657 Fix harvesting job entity get method to default to returning 'None' rather than raising an exception task fixed
#658 Fix harvest source entity get method to default to returning 'None' rather than raising an exception task fixed
#666 The system shall support updating packages from new versions of previously harvested dataset or service metadata requirement ckan fixed
#678 Form for DGU metadata v3 dread task fixed
#687 Release ckanclient 0.4 dread task fixed
#688 Example GeoNetworks service for CSW development johnbywater task
#690 The system shall support Gemini2 service records johnbywater requirement ckan invalid
#693 Support ETag in cache decorator requirement ckan fixed
#696 Decoupled generation of package group choices from validation of package group selection johnbywater task fixed
#702 The system shall support changing package groups when editing a package johnbywater requirement ckan duplicate
#709 Metadata document extracted from CSW GetRecordById response johnbywater task fixed
#710 CSW GetRecordById request for given identifier johnbywater task fixed
#500 Exception from diff defect awaiting triage duplicate
#514 Inconsistent use of 'location' header in API defect awaiting triage duplicate
#532 Just a test - please ignore johnbywater defect awaiting triage invalid
#535 genshi error when logged into defect awaiting triage duplicate
#558 Sort extras, relationships by key/object alphabetically defect awaiting triage fixed
#561 Deleted packages are returned in the API defect awaiting triage duplicate
#516 Double-escaped text visible - revision page defect minor fixed
#349 The system shall support authorised users to edit packages on johnbywater defect major ckan invalid
#372 Fix system limits on CKAN for DGU johnbywater bug critical ckan
#434 Logged in user to causes genshi exception defect critical fixed
#534 buildbot config - database machine moved johnbywater defect critical fixed
#654 Harvest sources and jobs should return 404 when missing (not 500) bug critical
#741 Extension / Plugin system for CKAN enhancement critical ckan fixed
#432 Creating package over REST gives 500 error dread defect blocker fixed
#562 OpenID Login fails using Yahoo and Google defect blocker fixed
1 2
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.