Custom Query (128 matches)


Show under each result:

Results (101 - 128 of 128)

1 2

Status: closed (28 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#476 Daily database dumps shall be discoverable and downloadable requirement awaiting triage ckan wontfix
#477 Discover location of the daily database dumps story awaiting triage ckan duplicate
#481 Unrestricted total read-only access to catalogue API story awaiting triage ckan fixed
#486 Catalogue service shall notify and query SOLR service requirement awaiting triage ckan duplicate
#511 Better warnings and errors when using API requirement awaiting triage ckan worksforme
#533 The performance of CKAN shall scale requirement awaiting triage ckan invalid
#544 Backport facet browsing to CKAN 1.2 requirement awaiting triage ckan duplicate
#557 Remove siblings from link_to/from relationship display defect critical ckan invalid
#564 The system shall support location based search requirement awaiting triage uklii wontfix
#648 Enable lock-down of package creation requirement ckan fixed
#661 Create CKAN site tester task fixed
#745 Web UI shall accept requests for harvesting jobs requirement awaiting triage ckan wontfix
#771 Run CLI help command without arguments story awaiting triage ckan worksforme
#772 Run CLI harvester command without arguments story awaiting triage ckan duplicate
#773 Fix CLI help command to return CLI help message task awaiting triage ckan duplicate
#774 Fix CLI harvester command to return harvester help message task awaiting triage ckan duplicate
#796 AlphaPage for non-latin languages defect critical ckan invalid
#807 Handle robot traffic better enhancement awaiting triage ckan wontfix
#809 Link to the Wiki pages in package form requirement awaiting triage ckan wontfix
#813 Add link to “Register new package” to the homepage requirement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#814 Have an “About CKAN” link on every page requirement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#815 Autocomplete for the search field requirement awaiting triage ckan duplicate
#817 Proposed redesign of Resources table on package pages requirement awaiting triage ckan worksforme
#834 Searching in CKAN task awaiting triage ckan worksforme
#974 Document site_description defect minor ckan fixed
#976 Documentation references defect minor ckan fixed
#977 db_upgrade errors defect critical ckan fixed
#991 Checkbox defaults to True defect blocker ckan fixed
1 2
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.