Custom Query (128 matches)


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Results (101 - 128 of 128)

1 2

Status: closed (28 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#800 Get WAF records modified since given time johnbywater story awaiting triage ckan duplicate
#804 Rework analysis for publisher/provider in UKLP johnbywater task awaiting triage uklii fixed
#807 Handle robot traffic better enhancement awaiting triage ckan wontfix
#809 Link to the Wiki pages in package form requirement awaiting triage ckan wontfix
#813 Add link to “Register new package” to the homepage requirement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#814 Have an “About CKAN” link on every page requirement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#815 Autocomplete for the search field requirement awaiting triage ckan duplicate
#817 Proposed redesign of Resources table on package pages requirement awaiting triage ckan worksforme
#832 Convert stats to a plugin rgrp enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#834 Searching in CKAN task awaiting triage ckan worksforme
#885 reimplement csw module to use owslib wwaites defect awaiting triage uklii fixed
#886 move uklii forms api to dgu module wwaites defect awaiting triage dgu duplicate
#903 Proper handling of deleted packages in Solr serps pudo defect awaiting triage ckan fixed
#568 Pull metadata documents from given harvest source entity johnbywater story
#571 Save metadata document and associate with harvest source entity johnbywater story fixed
#572 Write CKAN package from metadata document johnbywater story
#621 Metadata document links extracted from WAF response johnbywater task fixed
#647 Authorization Groups for group-based access control pudo requirement ckan fixed
#648 Enable lock-down of package creation requirement ckan fixed
#661 Create CKAN site tester task fixed
#675 Draft specification of CSW harvesting behaviour with guide for publishing agents johnbywater task fixed
#689 Updated package for updated metadata document johnbywater task fixed
#713 Review four definitions of DGU package attributes johnbywater task fixed
#732 Reproduce and investigate (geo coverage issue) dread task fixed
#733 Fix problem (geo coverage issue) dread task invalid
#742 Release ckan 1.2 to metastable dread task fixed
#785 Review document from PP regarding CSW and WAF guidance johnbywater task fixed
#792 Meeting to review pre-alpha testing report from TM johnbywater task fixed
1 2
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.