Custom Query (15 matches)


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Status: closed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#1010 List CKAN users in WUI rgrp enhancement major ckan fixed
#1008 eval() of user display name in template head rgrp defect major ckan fixed
#993 Link on footer needs changing thejimmyg defect minor ckan fixed
#988 Get a better HTML view of a GEMINI document using XSL wwaites task minor uklii fixed
#986 Broken link report from the ckanext-qa code wwitzel3 defect minor ckan fixed
#984 Fix migration, where upgrade diverges from actual model. kindly defect critical ckan fixed
#982 Remove various pip-requirements versions dread enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#981 fix so it's added in migrate kindly defect critical ckan fixed
#956 Add a resource group table. kindly enhancement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#877 File upload in WUI (extension) rgrp enhancement critical DGU fixed
#821 Some resources have disappeared in CKAN defect major ckan worksforme
#808 Allow i18n language choice on site (and possibly set automatically) pudo enhancement critical ckan fixed
#805 Migration scripts on buildbot dread task awaiting triage ckan fixed
#715 The group list page shall show the group title *or* group name rgrp defect critical ckan fixed
#496 Provide a mechanism for exporting GEMINII metadata via a CSW interface wwaites requirement critical uklii fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.