Custom Query (20 matches)


Show under each result:

Status: closed (20 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#727 Sysadmin can approve a publisher pudo story fixed
#726 Send message to sysadmins to approve new publishers pudo story fixed
#725 Change to allow anyone (logged in) to create a publisher pudo story fixed
#724 Improve publisher workflow pudo requirement iati fixed
#723 Hide action links pointing to unavailable actions (package create) pudo story fixed
#722 Further adapt l10n for IATI pudo story fixed
#721 Make the table preview a link to a new page. pudo story fixed
#720 Include CMS pages in IATI registry pudo story wontfix
#719 Improve overall layout of IATI pudo story fixed
#718 Show recent activities on home page pudo story fixed
#716 Visual improvments to IATI CKAN pudo requirement iati fixed
#708 Test for showing package groups on package read page pudo task fixed
#707 Test for adding package to package group using the package form fieldset pudo task fixed
#706 Test for removing package from package group using the package form fieldset pudo task fixed
#705 Show package groups on the package read page pudo story awaiting triage ckan fixed
#704 Remove package from package group using the packge form fieldset pudo story fixed
#703 Add package to package group using the package form fieldset pudo story fixed
#701 The system shall support changing package groups when editing a package pudo requirement awaiting triage ckan fixed
#700 Groups in package form pudo bug blocker ckan fixed
#697 The system shall indicate which package groups can be removed when editing a package pudo requirement awaiting triage ckan fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.