Custom Query (7 matches)


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Status: accepted (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Created Modified
#2336 Move Jenkins' install script into ckan core so it can be versioned seanh enhancement minor 2 years 23 months
#2537 Test and document ckanbuild seanh enhancement awaiting triage 23 months 23 months
#2538 Add multiple-instance support to ckanbuild seanh enhancement awaiting triage 23 months 23 months
#2539 Investigate the existing ckan debian package for ckanbuild seanh enhancement awaiting triage 23 months 23 months
#2540 Implement a way of upgrading ckan sites using ckanbuild seanh enhancement awaiting triage 23 months 23 months
#2541 Add non-core extensions to ckanbuild seanh enhancement awaiting triage 23 months 23 months
#2542 Create jenkins job to run ckanbuild, and run tests seanh enhancement awaiting triage 23 months 23 months
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.