Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (316 - 318 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#326 fixed Centralise importation of json library dread dread

Reported by dread, 4 years ago.


Later versions of python use json which is better than simplejson, but it must be kept as an option for compatibility. So centralise the import of json to ckan.lib.helpers.

#327 wontfix Create a web hook worker for CKAN pudo pudo

Reported by pudo, 4 years ago.


This will be useful as an example consumer of the new queue notifications (#325).

  • A user can register any URL to be notified upon an event.
  • Possible extensions: GET with ID only vs. POST with serialized object
  • E-Mail notifications are also hooks, essentially.

We need to have a UI module that allows for the hook CRUD and some feedback (e.g. non 200 status codes)

#328 fixed Mention code libraries in API documentation dread rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 4 years ago.


Should prominently (at the top?) mention existing code libraries for working with ckan api. Have:

  • Python: ckanclient
  • Perl: luke closs wrote something
  • PHP: drupal library?
  • ...?
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