Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (358 - 360 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1530 fixed URL field help text in wrong place zephod lucychambers

Reported by lucychambers, 2 years ago.


Confusion between entering values in the title and name/url fields in

The help text "Url must be purely lowercase alphanumeric (ascii) characters and these symbols: -_" applies to the name/url field, yet in Lucy's browser the text that is actually hovering over the title field in my browser.

#1583 fixed Integrate QA into frontend - 1d zephod johnglover

Reported by johnglover, 2 years ago.



  • On dataset view page, add star rating after each resource view url. Probably similar to current format label after url.
  • Add star rating to resource view page, along with a way of displaying the reason for the rating and tips to improve. Should be unobtrusive.
  • Fix the table at - URLs should be truncated to a fixed not-too-long length and the other fields line up (eg by using a table)~
  • Handle 404s by showing that 'we think this resource is 404ing'.
  • Handle the absence of QA data on a resource (currently nothing is displayed. Maybe that's fine.
  • Do we need to integrate the 'reason for rating' string into the UI?

Next Steps:

  • Use db dump of for final testing.
#1603 duplicate Search query builder zephod rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 2 years ago.


Super ticket: #1745

Ability to build up search query using a nice javascript-y interface.

  • Add facets by selecting attribute and adding -> search facet options in dropdown -> added to search (with 'x' to remove -- as we currently do).
    • (a bit like the
  • Some improvements to css
  • Improvements to faceting
    • Ability to configure faceting and number of items to show (?)
  • Pure JS search implementation to make it easy to reuse across site
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.