Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (397 - 399 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2351 fixed Install EC Portal on CentOS icmurray icmurray

Reported by icmurray, 2 years ago.


Install and document (step-by-step) CKAN (and dependencies, and extensions) onto VM on which has CentOS 6.2 installed. Paying particular attention to the fact that we won't have root access on the staging nor production servers, and so a) anything that requires root access must be documented carefully; and b) we want to be able to perform maintenance without being root.


We want to have non-root access to:

  • CKAN logs; (relevant) apache logs; qa process' logs; rdf cron logs
  • restarting CKAN
  • restarting qa processes
  • changing/disabling rdf cronjob
  • our database (through sql)
  • restarting solr

CKAN and Dependencies

  • CKAN installed from source
  • Required plugins: synchronous_search ecportal ecportal_form organizations multilingual_dataset multilingual_group multilingual_tag qa

Extra configuration

  • uploads
  • analytics (toby)
  • qa
  • rdf cron
  • caching
  • datastore

Things to remember

  • Use ckanext/multilingual/solr/schema.xml and stopword files
  • Use nginx as proxy.
#2349 fixed Make sure gets created ross ross

Reported by ross, 2 years ago.


[x] Redeploy Sparql endpoint

Done at

[x] Make sure it is available at or

[x] Generate daily dumps

[x] Make dumps available via web

[x] Notify Hugh once running

[x] Announce to LD guys

[x] Think about how we can apply this to (can we do the same?) ... (being done elsewhere)

#2347 fixed Related stuff dashboard and changes icmurray ross

Reported by ross, 2 years ago.


Some additions to the related stuff functionality to make it more useful post the 1.7 release.

[x] Edit item (after checking auth)

[x] My related things on my user page

[x] Show user created related things on the users' page with links direct to the related page of that dataset. {0.5d}

[x] Related stuff usage counts { 1d }

Record the number of times the link for a related item is clicked. This is likely to mean that the link fires to call CKAN and then redirects to the actual URL.

[x] Un-attached related items {0.25d}

Allow related items to be created without being attached to datasets. This may mean that the dataset field is optional in the API.

[ ] Dashboard for related

A dashboard for related items, site-wide (not package specific) and orderable by date, views, {rating}, popularity of the dataset. Would be useful (possibly) for site-admin to mark one or more as 'featured'

[x] Dashboard + Controller (Related) {1d}

[x] Ordering at logic layer (date, views, rating, popularity of package, featured) {1d}

[x] date [x] views [x] featured

[x] 'Featured' related item with mechanism to fetch it. {0.5d}

[ ] UI within dashboard for sysadmins to check/uncheck feature status {0.5d}

[x] Changing auth for related.

Currently auth is based on deletion being possible by dataset owner and the related owner but it may be that a lot of the auth for related items should be configured to have more restrictive auth.

[x] Implement auth changes for publisher auth profile. { 0.5d }

[x] General issues

[x] Serverside validation of URLs

[x] Activity updates

[x] Make optional

[x] Related item only includes App, Idea, Visualization but not API | Post | Paper | News Article options as in original ticket #2204

[ ] UI Changes

[ ] General tidy up, fix form etc (icon for menu bar)

[ ] Highlight featured items py:if="related.featured"

[ ] Show either view count or popularity ${ related.view_count }

[ ] A user's related items should be on their home page

[ ] Related item plus sign is very poorly aligned within box

[ ] Add related items should be in drop down like for resources (?) to make it easy to add items

[ ] Hover should show a title that gives some information about what related are (not at all clear)

"Apps, Ideas, Visualization and other material related to this dataset"

[x] Related is a pretty terrible name in the UI - much better to have it called Apps, Ideas etc (perhaps title tag could even give more details e.g. "Apps, Ideas, Visualization and other material related to this dataset") -- btw i thought this was in #2332 but realize it wasn't (apologies for that!)

  • Went with Apps & Ideas (for now)

[x] Documentation, documentation, documentation - AFAICT I can't see anything in v1.7 or master docs. I imagine this would be a short section like (and probably coming right after that in the ToC) which says

  • What it does
  • How to enable (and perhaps includes a nice-screenshot!)
  • How to customize (e.g. can one customize the list of options of things one can create (e.g. can I set it to just be app and idea or ...)
  • Also liase with Mark W re a blog post about this from the user perspective (a screenshot walkthrough ...)

[ ] Clearly mark the old extension as deprecated from v1.7 forward: (I just met someone last week who was working on integrating this and had no idea it was replaced by something better in v1.7)

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.