Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (400 - 402 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#988 fixed Get a better HTML view of a GEMINI document using XSL wwaites thejimmyg
#1084 fixed RDF links changed wwaites wwaites

Reported by wwaites, 3 years ago.


need to make some changes for the links to it should use<package_id> now

append .rdf, .ttl, .nt, .dot, .json (even .html for an ugly table) to taste (or just leave off the suffix and let content negotiation take care of it)

the base url is changed, but it now uses id not name.

see for example:

#1206 fixed "Content-Type json" header scuppers package POST wwaites dread

Reported by dread, 3 years ago.


Compare these two requests to create a package:

curl -d '{name:"test"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-CKAN-API-KEY: tester'
curl -d '{name:"test"}' -H 'X-CKAN-API-KEY: tester'

The second one gets the payload through (ckan log):

Retrieving request params: UnicodeMultiDict([('{name:"test"}', u'')])

But the first one causes a ServerError? because the payload (name:"test") doesn't make it to request.POST or request.params:

Retrieving request params: UnicodeMultiDict([])

The only difference is the "ContentType?: application/json" header, which seems a reasonable thing to include. Javascript lib backbone.js (for example) inserts this automatically.

So why does this header cause the payload to not get through to the request object?

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.