Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (466 - 468 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#910 invalid Refactor CKANrdf to support extras pudo pudo

Reported by pudo, 3 years ago.


Extra fields should be represented in some manner.

#918 invalid Package preview doesn't show tags or groups memespring dread

Reported by dread, 3 years ago.

  1. Edit any package
  2. Hit 'preview'

Notice that the preview at the bottom doesn't show what tags or groups the package is in.

This is because the new design of the package view only has this info in the sidebar, which is not displayed in the preview.

One might argue that this is ok because the tag is not a central part of the metadata, only used for searching, so it is ok not to preview it. But I wanted to check that this change was a conscious decision.

#934 invalid Key value store for extensions to store data kindly

Reported by kindly, 3 years ago.


We need to allow plugins to store information.

Each plug-in should have its own name space and allow any data to be set.

There are two options.

  • make a key value table in ckan that will hold random information.
  • use redis (or other key value store)

If in sql suggest schema of form:

  • (namespace, obj_id, key, value [, value_type])
  • value is json
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