Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (481 - 483 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1733 fixed Delete (inactivate) harvest sources amercader amercader

Reported by amercader, 2 years ago.


Right now harvest sources can be inactivated (only via the cli), but we need to make sure:

  • Expose this on the web interface (only for sysadmins, see #1731)
  • Inactive sources are not shown in the web interface

Also for deleted packages:

a) Deleted packages get state="deleted" (not actually purged) so they are hidden on front end ACTION: need a button on the front end for "Delete" for sysamdins

Done in #1425. Not sure if the button is only shown to sysadmins.

b) No undelete: If you reharvest a deleted package, it remains deleted

  • Publisher should create a new record with new identifier and same/different content as applicable.
  • If publisher reharvests, a deleted document they get a error and are told to create new identifier for their updated.
  • You won't get the state where a package is updated in its deleted state
  • If they change the ID and reharvest, a new record appears on DGU.

c) Update CSW interface so that export doesn't export deleted packages d) Check geospatial search doesn't search deleted pacakges e) Check deleted packages don't appear in harvest source details, or in the counts or anywhere in the harvest interface or API.

#17 invalid Delete a file johnbywater johnbywater

Reported by johnbywater, 8 years ago.


See ticket:16 (update a file)

#13 invalid Delete a release somebody rgrp
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