Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (496 - 498 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#512 | duplicate | User creates package via API with incorrect core fields specified | dread | |
#513 | wontfix | Creating a package with API should warn if there are incorrect fields | dread | |
Description |
When you create a package using the API, you might get a core field name wrong e.g. 'title' mispelt as 'titel' or 'groups' (which can't be specified in package creation). Currently that field will be ignored by the API. It should warn or give an error, rather than give 200 OK. |
#514 | duplicate | Inconsistent use of 'location' header in API | dread | |
Description |
When you create a package then the 'location' header gets set. This doesn't happen for any other domain objects. I think this should be consistent - either none or all. I've removed the info about the header in the docs in the meantime. |
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