Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (580 - 582 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#1455 | fixed | Search results when 'all_fields' don't include 'extra' fields | johnglover | dread |
Description |
When you do a search like this: the "extra" fields (e.g. "triples", "shortname") get missed off the results. The docs say it should be a "full record" and I don't see any reason why this is missed off. This is a problem because search all_fields is the only way for clients and front-ends to get packages in bulk. They end up (like lodcloud) doing thousands of requests to get packages individually. The full record is: {"count": 1, "results": [{"res_description": ["Download", "XML Sitemap", "SPARQL enpdoint", "Example (RDF/XML)"], "name": "2000-us-census-rdf", "license": "Non-OKD Compliant::Creative Commons Non-Commercial (Any)", "author": "Joshua Tauberer", "author_email": "", "ckan_url": "", "notes": "2000 U.S. Census converted into over a billion RDF triples.\n\nPopulation statistics at various geographic levels, from the U.S. as a whole, down through states, counties, sub-counties (roughly, cities and incorporated towns)\n\nNotes: also found in the of SPARQL Endpoints.\n\nFrom home page:\n\n> * For the detailed Census statistics, you'll have to download the raw Census data files from the Census Bureau, my Perl script and the patch file below and run it yourself because the files are too big for me to offer as a download!\n> \n> * The data and scripts can be reused under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.\n", "entity_type": "package", "site_id": "", "download_url": "", "indexed_ts": "2011-11-01T12:52:36.034Z", "url": "", "state": "active", "title": "2000 U.S. Census in RDF (", "groups": ["lod", "lodcloud"], "res_format": ["", "meta/sitemap", "api/sparql", "example/rdf+xml"], "license_id": "cc-nc", "revision_id": "fcbad0de-79ea-41bd-8e01-eb832a05b732", "res_url": ["", "", "", ""], "id": "551ec435-f198-4d52-9b56-ec0b0be6aec9", "tags": ["census", "data", "demographics", "deref-vocab", "format-dc", "format-geonames", "format-politico", "format-rdf", "geographic", "linkeddata", "lod", "lodcloud.nolinks", "no-license-metadata", "no-provenance-metadata", "no-vocab-mappings", "population", "published-by-third-party", "rdf", "statistics", "us"]}]} |
#1471 | fixed | Be compatible with new ubuntu release in April | seanh | dread |
Description |
Nils flagged up that Ubuntu launches another LTS in April which we should probably move to. This ticket is to get the ball rolling with what we do. We can always include in our package the exact package versions of deps that we want, but it is good to be in line with the release if possible. Here's how to see the packages included with it:§ion=all Pylons 0.9.7 -> 1.0-2 Requires a small amount of work SQLAlchemy 0.7.3-2 OK Babel 0.9.6-1 OK Genshi 0.6-2 Perfect Another alternative is to move to another web framework, especially minding that Pylons is not being further developed. |
#1473 | fixed | max name length validators missing | dread | dread |
Description |
Max length of package name and version field is 100 characters, but the validators seem to enforce this, although in the web interface the javascript limits typing in these fields, so it just affects the API really. |