Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (613 - 615 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1711 fixed Resource validation page icmurray icmurray

Reported by icmurray, 2 years ago.

  • On the resources tab, there's a "Check Resources" button which, when clicked makes an ajax request with the list of URLs entered by the user.

  • The server checka each link for errors and header information about the linked resource. (Using ckanext/archiver/

  • The server returns a list of dicts (json), containing information about the linked resource, and the client uses that to:
  • populate the format field of each resource

The (guessed) 'file_extension' populates the 'format' field. If it's 'htm' or 'html', then we assume it's a listing page, and so don't populate the format field with 'htm' or 'html'.

  • provide feedback if a URL appears to be invalid

If the URL doesn't appear to be a URL at all, or returns a HTTP error, or times-out, then URL field is highlighted in red to indicate it's a bad URL. A tooltip shows the error message to the user.

  • [Optional] provide feedback if a URL appears to point to "Additional Information" - ie the Resource should be entered under "Additional Resources", rather than "Timeseries" or "Individual" datasets.

Analysis and further description on etherpad: [Section I]

#1710 fixed 'Announce' email list for thedatahub dread dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


We want to make email announcements to users of

The most simple way to do this is to get a dump of the email addresses and subscribe/invite them to a mailman list.

Different ways to do it:

  • 'paster dump-users-csv' creates a CSV file. Apache serves up the directory using password protection. Is this secure enough?
  • CKAN admin pages provides a button to produce the CSV and download it. A config option may be necessary to enable this (disabled by default).

Something more advanced in the future could be:

  • CKAN tells mailman about new subscribers using the mailman web interface. Could be brittle.
  • Mailman doesn't have an Internet API, but it does have a python interface. So CKAN could tell mailman about new subscribers using a python proxy. There may be one out there, or maybe easy to do. But annoying to have to maintain another process running on machine.
  • CKAN sends out the emails itself. A sysadmin is given a form. Users have an opt in/out option in their account. But receiving emails is a sensitive thing so it would need to be right first time, and there are several risks to this approach.
#1709 fixed Simple_search fails with all packages dread dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


The home page always shows the total number of packages as 0, because the query is '*:*' and SQL search doesn't know how to handle it.

Also, simple_search configuration is not documented.

Also, no tests for sql search.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.