Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (631 - 633 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#647 | fixed | Authorization Groups for group-based access control | pudo | pudo |
Description |
allow group-level authorization on all system entities |
#648 | fixed | Enable lock-down of package creation | pudo | |
Description |
is_authorized(user, Action.Create, model.Package) -> Doing this will put 'Package' in the context field of the user_object_role table. This will trigger SQLAlchemy to attempt a join towards PackageRole? in all queries. Since for class-level role assignments there never is a PackageRole? join table entry, this will never return any results.
is_authorized(user, Action.Package_Create, model.System()) is_authorized(user, Action.Group_Create, model.System()) [Separating Package and Group roles may be useful going forward: PackageEditor?, GroupEditor? etc]
#649 | fixed | Introduce Authorization Groups in model | pudo | |
Description |
Authorization Groups:
# * Adapt model to get these passing