Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (655 - 657 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1663 fixed API call for creating an activity streams event seanh seanh

Reported by seanh, 2 years ago.


The create_activity() logic function already exists, but validation and authorization need to be added before it's hooked up to an API call.

#1662 wontfix OpenID not compatible with mounting CKAN at non-root URL dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


Mounting CKAN at a non-root URL was made to work properly here: #1659

Unfortunately OpenID doesn't play nicely and would require some work to get working.

#1660 wontfix CSV preview broken - OpenSpending rgrp lucychambers

Reported by lucychambers, 2 years ago.


This CSV resource used to preview but now the format appears to be unsupported: "We are unable to preview this type of resource: x-osdata-csv"

This is used as an example by the OpenSpending? team all the time.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.