Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (664 - 666 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1653 fixed Change URLs for multilingual site toby ross

Reported by ross, 2 years ago.


To support multiple languages we should have an easy way to specify the language as part of the URL, so that URLs are both specific and we also reduce the dependency on the session.

  • Analysis [1d] - Find the best way of implementing this and how everyone else does their language URLs.
  • Write Middleware + update url_for to take account of the language. [2d]

  • Document the language setup, and how to replicate it. [1d]
#1651 fixed Explicit link mapper johnglover dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


In this commit John Glover set map.explicit=True in ckan/config/

The reason this was done was to avoid links collecting parameters. e.g. if you were on page /dataset/{id}/resource/{resource_id} then by default all the links on that page generated by url_for (Routes) would include the id and resource_id parameters as well. To avoid this, you had to go through all the links and add id=None and resource_id=None to the url_for parameters.

When map.explicit was changed to True, the value of the controller, action, id and any parameters were no longer automatically carried over into the generated links for the page. So previously links within the same controller didn't need to specify the controller (for example), but now they did. So when we did this we also had to fix up links that weren't explicit:

John made the config change on 5/11/2011 which was merged to master 21/11/2011. The related fixes mentioned were in within the same week. This all went into release 1.5.1. The requirement

#1650 wontfix Add new language/translation of fields for datasets. ross ross

Reported by ross, 2 years ago.


Datasets should have a field that specifies the language used in the dataset, this should be a two character ISO 639-1 code (see for list) . Also make sure all tests and migrations are resolved. [2d]

Determine the best approach to having 'translation_of' references to show which dataset the current one is a translation of. This may be a translation of field, or a 'copied from' field or another form of package relationship. [2d]

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.