Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (676 - 678 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1636 wontfix Purge items from activity streams when object (package etc.) purged from CKAN seanh seanh
#1634 duplicate Allow users to follow/unfollow activity streams of other users, datasets and groups seanh seanh

Reported by seanh, 2 years ago.


This is a fairly big feature to add. Analysis:

This ticket is related to #1635 (email notifications for activity streams) which is about managing a list of activity streams for which the user receives email notifications. There are decisions to be made about how the two will work together.

#1633 wontfix Render a dataset's activity stream on its' page seanh seanh

Reported by seanh, 2 years ago.


Add logic functions for getting the activity stream for a dataset in JSON and rendered HTML formats, add HTML activity stream into dataset page.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.