Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (685 - 687 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#1042 | fixed | 'Ckanext' split-up | dread | dread |
Description |
It's not good to have ckanext doing lots of different things with different dependencies. Split it off into:
etc. And then deprecate the ckanext repo itself. |
#1043 | fixed | stop sqlalchemy message saying at least one scoped seession already present | kindly | |
Description |
see summary. |
#1044 | fixed | Sysadmins locked-out of API without Right: (visitor, SITE_READ, System) | pudo | dread |
Description |
The problem is that in ckan/controllers/ the BaseApiController? has this method: def __before__(self, action, **env): BaseController.__before__(self, action, **env) if not self.authorizer.am_authorized(c, model.Action.SITE_READ, model.System): abort(401, _('Not authorized to see this page')) which works on the basis of your c.user, rather than your apikey. All API users are treated as visitors (since API users don't get a login cookie) and even a sysadmin's apikey is blocked unless there is a right for a Visitor to SITE_READ. Also needs tests. (Also, why is this restriction only on the API, package search, group index and tags and agroup index? I'm guessing SITE_READ is only for places where other authz don't apply, but maybe it should not be called 'SITE_READ' but 'OTHER_READ' or something?) |