Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#155 duplicate Adding multiple packages to a group dread dread

Reported by dread, 5 years ago.


Ability to add multiple packages to a group in one go (e.g. with 'add' link which makes drop down menu appear - so can add one after another - then submit simultaneously)

Use a bit of javascript to add more dropdowns.

Suggested by Jonathan Gray

#168 duplicate Show admins for a group in group view rgrp dread
#169 duplicate Package derivations dread dread

Reported by dread, 5 years ago.


A 'Derived' relationship can be applied from one package to another.

e.g. sussex-demography is derived from census-2001

'Derived' relationship is:

  • directional
  • many:many
  • stateful

'derived' table columns:

  • id (primary key)
  • source_package (foreign key)
  • result_package (foreign key)
  • description (markdown text)

Further tickets:

  • WUI - package view - shows 'derives from package x' and 'derived package y' with UML-like diagram of x -> this package -> y
  • WUI - package edit form - new option to say it 'derives from' or 'has derivation' and you select the appropriate
  • REST if - expose reading and writing this property
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