Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (748 - 750 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1533 wontfix Make sure ckanext-wordpresser works on CKAN 1.5.1 rgrp amercader

Reported by amercader, 2 years ago.


Superceded by #2234

Super ticket: #1508


The wordpresser extension does not work with ckan 1.5.1. The wordpress page is not loaded.

Looks like this changeset may be involved

I think that even before that changeset, the page was shown without any margins.

In any case, the extension seems to be too sensible to changes in the ckan layout so perhaps it should take into account the CKAN version and have a fixed set of xpaths and templates that work for each version

#1532 fixed Registration with OpenID has misleading error message dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


The log-in page says "Login using Open ID" and gives instructions for signing up. YET this is only available to users who've already added openid to their account. If you have not done this and then sign-in via OpenID (which is successful from the OpenID end) then you are told "Login failed. Bad username or password." in a flash message.

Proposed solution (i don't know if this is possible):

  • When you log-in for the first time via OpenID, it doesn't actually log you in in CKAN. It just sends you to the 'Create User' page with the OpenID field pre-filled, and puts up a flash message "This OpenID account is not yet registered on thedatahub. Please complete your details.". This allows you to complete the registration and logs you in, and allows you to log-in directly with OpenID in the future.


  • Just change the error message to be 'You need to register in CKAN first. Quote your OpenID in the registration form to use it in future.'
  • Remove OpenID altogether
#1531 fixed Update group create/update so you can add capacities and group types. kindly kindly

Reported by kindly, 2 years ago.


The new members table needs a way so you can add arbitrary domain objects against them.

We need to extend the group schema to accept types, and instead of just being able to add packages to groups add members with their capacities that associated with different table rows.


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