Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (751 - 753 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1483 fixed Tasks sometimes fail to update task_status table when trying to report a failure johnglover johnglover

Reported by johnglover, 2 years ago.


The error reports do not have a "value". The original task in the task status table is not made and it tries to make a new task, but can't.

Issue: why is the original task_status entry not made?

kindly: there is a chance of course that the task is quicker than the plugin to get to the point where it needs to update the table.

kindly: so we may have to find a way to update the task status before we run the task.

kindly: I think you can supply a task_id to celery. i.e we make our own guid as the task id. So we can use that one to populate the task status.

#1501 fixed Pagination links broken johnglover amercader

Reported by amercader, 2 years ago.


Most of the different pagination links are broken and point to wrong locations. e.g:

  • Dataset listings in group page:

  • Tag letters in tag listing:

  • User listing:

  • Revision listing:

This is most probably related with:

#1502 fixed Group package list is ordered by revision timestamp instead of alphabetically johnglover johnglover
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