Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (769 - 771 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1512 fixed Modifying user name makes you semi-log-out ross rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 2 years ago.


If you modify your user name, it looks like you are logged out, but you are actually logged in and therefore can't login. (Reported by Pablo)

As a work around, you need to logout and log back in.


  • We should force this by auto-logging you out (DR: maybe!)
#1511 fixed Logic function for getting a user's public activity stream kindly seanh

Reported by seanh, 2 years ago.


Add a function to logic.action.get that returns a user's public activity stream as a list of dicts.

#1510 wontfix Migrate existing data into activity streams database tables seanh seanh

Reported by seanh, 2 years ago.


See '### Task 2' in this etherpad:

I have no idea yet about how to do this or how long it might take me.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.