Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#76 fixed Convert to use formalchemy for all forms dread rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 5 years ago.


Current form stuff is not very good (uses formencode). Switch to formalchemy would improve this, especially on validation.

As an extra we could utilize the formalchemy pylons admin interface (pretty much for free).

Cost: 12h


  1. Replace htmlfill and formencode extract in controllers/templates with formalchemy
    1. Crude and simple
    2. Suppress unwanted fields (revision, state, all revisions) and sort out ordering to be similar to before.
    3. Sort out tag field with a special renderer
  2. Validation - testing definitely required.
  3. Fix up description and pretty css etc
#77 fixed Rate packages dread rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 5 years ago.


As a User or Visitor

I wish to rate a package in some way. On the package view, below Openness, there is a 'Rating' heading with the star rating which is selectable.

Rating out of 5. One user or IP, one vote.

package_rating table:

package | user | rating annakarenina | | 4 annakarenina | | 1

#78 fixed Extend login cookie lifetime rgrp rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 5 years ago.


When you login you get given a cookie but it is very short (life of your browser session I think).

Work out how to extend to something reasonable (30 days or perhaps forever with logout unsetting cookie).

  1. A quick investigation to see whether this is possible
  2. If possible do it

Cost: ?

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