Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (853 - 855 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#879 | fixed | Storage auth API | wwaites | rgrp |
Description |
API to provide credentials to allow authorized 3rd parties (ie. one's with CKAN api keys) to make uploads to storage. Implement as a CKAN extension. |
#880 | fixed | ONS loader tripping up on deleted packages | dread | |
Description |
Deleted packages with the same title and extra fields as an active package trip up the loader. It finds them in the search, but due to ckanclient not using the apikey when you 'get' the package to examine it further, it causes an exception. |
#881 | invalid | http authentication requirement when installing | thejimmyg | fccoelho |
Description |
I am having trouble installing Ckan with virtualenv and pip using pip-requirements.txt due to the Authentication requirements to download the source code. |
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