Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (862 - 864 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#649 fixed Introduce Authorization Groups in model pudo

Reported by pudo, 4 years ago.


Authorization Groups:

(Doing this first seems more stable since we first want to "re-gain" exisiting functionality)

  • Create and model tests for authorization_group-based auth
    • tests: functional: create fixtures, do actual requests

lib-tests: test for membership addition, removal, group-right additions affecting all members, group-right removal, group rights affecting non-members.

# * Adapt model to get these passing

  • Integration into existing controllers should be negligible but may want ot have tests
    • do not want that. would mean design is broken
  • Need to create a new controller for editing authz groups (will have same permissions as any other object -- Reader, Editor, Administrator)
#890 invalid Introduce timed actions into ckanext-queue kindly pudo

Reported by pudo, 3 years ago.


The ckan queuing system should provide the option to subscribe to timed re-submissions of specific resources. This could look as follows:

  • routing_key: Package
  • operation: daily
  • payload: pkg.as_dict()

Where operation is one of daily, weekly, monthly or any other interval.

#735 fixed Investigate 'deduping' (ONS import) dread dread

Reported by dread, 4 years ago.


ww 22/9/10:

(discussion of ticket:509) This leads us to deduping which should be the next order of business oin this thread...

ww 20/10/10:

if a dataset is missing a department and the ons script makes a new version of it with a department we now have two reccords for the same dataset. these should be manually merged - need a merge tool where you can tell it that two datasets are the same.

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