Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (925 - 927 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2408 fixed Only 4 'extras' can be added at a time aron.carroll markw

Reported by markw, 2 years ago.


The settings > extras page for a dataset allows extra fields to be added, but only four can be added a time in a single atomic update. It would be helpful to have an 'add another' button on the form that can be used any number of times.

#2409 fixed Accept headers not handled correctly ross markw

Reported by markw, 2 years ago.


CKAN returns HTML when an Accept header should make it return RDF/XML:

#2812 invalid Groups description needs improving toby markw

Reported by markw, 21 months ago.


The 'What are Groups?' text at <> is a bit naff. Here is a suggested replacement:

What are groups?

Groups allow you to group users and data together so that they are easier to manage. For example datasets in a group could be visible only to group members, or publicly visible but only editable by group members.

Groups can be used to collect together datasets from a single publisher, or related to a particular project, for example.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.