Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (952 - 954 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2774 fixed Provide a method of passing localised strings into the JavaScript toby aron.carroll

Reported by aron.carroll, 21 months ago.


We need to be able to do the following:

  • Rip the localised strings from the JavaScript? source code. These are strings that look like _('String'), translate('String') and isPlural('String') .
  • An endpoint that provides the translations in the correct locale for the user.
  • The endpoint should provide the locale as JSON (possibly using or similar tool)

The JavaScript? can then read this file on page load.

#496 fixed Provide a mechanism for exporting GEMINII metadata via a CSW interface wwaites johnbywater
#28 wontfix Provide a dump of all packages listed on the system in XML somebody johnbywater
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