Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1042 - 1044 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1170 fixed Production deployment docs out of date dread dread

Reported by dread, 3 years ago.


Need to cover pip-requirements.txt on different branches in the doc/deployment.rst.

Also could do with tidying up upgrade.txt into this document too.

#1169 fixed Link to csv/json dumps on dread dread
#1167 fixed Create a standard CKAN system image for Amazon EC2 (AMI) nils.toedtmann

Reported by nils.toedtmann, 3 years ago.


We should create a public AMI with CKAN pre-installed and configured such that users can easily create their own EC2 machine with a running CKAN to play with.

There are three phases:

  1. [nils] Deploy an empty EC2 instance to become the CKAN image master instance
  2. Install a CKAN and give it a standard configuration.
  3. [nils] Create a AMI from the CKAN image master instance and publish it.

I am happy to do first and last. Who is installing and configuring CKAN?

Unfortunately AMIs are specific to region, architecture and storage type. We cannot maintain too many images, so a number of choices have to be made:

  • Which distribution/version? Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
  • Which architecture/instance-type? I suggest 64-bit/t1.micro
  • Which region? I suggest us-east-1 and maybe eu-west-1
  • Which storage type? EBS (way easier to make an AMI from than instance-store)
  • Install CKAN from deb packages via mercurial/virtualenv? I assume the latter because the AMI is targeted to developers?

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