Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1054 - 1056 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1452 wontfix Offer detected browser language, rather than auto-switch dread dread

Reported by dread, 2 years ago.


There are issues with setting the site's language according to the browser detection:

  • Many browsers have the language setting incorrectly set. e.g. people who download US versions of Mozilla, pirated US copies in the far east.
  • Although has a worldwide audience, many CKAN instances are designed for a particular country's citizens. So Open Berlin should probably be in German as default for all.

I suggest the site should have a default language saved in the config. The browser language *should* be detected, and that prompts a flash message offering to change to that language. And if you change language that is saved in the cookie (as we currently do).

Then do some testing to see if this suits people.

#1173 fixed Offer a DCat representation for packages in the API amercader amercader

Reported by amercader, 3 years ago.


/api/rest/package/foo.rdf should return a DCat representation of the package. To create it, we will use the functions in ckanext-rdf.

#529 fixed Obtain sample metadata pudo rgrp
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