Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (1132 - 1134 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#915 | fixed | Deploy dcat-tools/rdfsolr to as a placeholder | pudo | pudo |
Description |
We should present something there, why not start with a meta-search. |
#935 | fixed | "groups" field bug in IATI | pudo | pudo |
Description |
An internal server error was reported when trying to create a new package (not when editing):
The error could not be reproduced in a non-apache/mod_wsgi environment, even with a dump of the live database. Further investigation by manual editing of the package form left the "groups" field as the likely cause. After updating the packages installed, and temporarily editing the package controller the problem vanished after a restart of the web server. Possible causes include:
As the problem is gone for now, it cannot be further investigated atm. |
#938 | fixed | Message flashing / notification in WUI | pudo | rgrp |
Description |
Good user interfaces provide feedback to users. We should provide more feedback about the success / failure of actions using message flashing (see We already do some of this (slightly poorly), e.g. on adding an authorization the app says: "X authorization added". Implementation