Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1192 - 1194 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#146 worksforme Problem when an admin user logs in between commencing editing and saving pudo rgrp

Reported by rgrp, 5 years ago.

  1. Visitor starts editing a package (or creates a new package)
  2. Visitor logs in before previewing or committing
  3. Visitor is an admin (or sysadmin)
  4. Preview or commit fails

Reason (conjecture): the form we use for package editing is now dependent on whether you have admin privileges (we allow editing of state by admins). When you login the old form is now incorrect and this results in the formalchemy fieldset breaking.

#2605 fixed Problem with user.get_groups ross ross

Reported by ross, 22 months ago.


From DR at DGU

Basically get_groups() appears to cache its results, but this falls down when subsequent calls are in a different session. We get this when saving a dataset. get_groups() first gets called in the controller when it is trying to work out what permissions the user has. It later gets called, and by this time c.userobj is detached, so get_groups() fails.

I'm working around this by refreshing c.userobj (from c.user) before calling get_groups(), but I wonder if the get_groups caching could detect the detached session and bypass the cache in this case?

diff at

#1170 fixed Production deployment docs out of date dread dread

Reported by dread, 3 years ago.


Need to cover pip-requirements.txt on different branches in the doc/deployment.rst.

Also could do with tidying up upgrade.txt into this document too.

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