Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1228 - 1230 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2229 fixed Cleanup plugin system after some test failed to run. kindly kindly

Reported by kindly, 2 years ago.


The logic test did not have init. This caused lots of tests to fail because there were mock extensions that ran automatically in them. Fix plugin system so this can work.

#2230 fixed Tidy up of search facets code duplication seanh

Reported by seanh, 2 years ago.


Because of a clash between two development branches there is some duplication of code to do with code facets (note: at the time of writing the code duplication exists only on the feature-1821-multilingual-extension branch, but this will be merged into master at some point):

The package_search() function is adding the search facets to the search results twice with two different data structures, with keys "facets" and "new_facets". It should be reduced to just the new facets (with the key changed to "facets").

Also the group and package controllers are adding both facets and new_facets to the context, should be new_facets only (but renamed to facets).

The facet_items() function in should be removed, it uses the old facets structure and shouldn't be needed anymore with the new facets structure.

In facets.html, facet_sidebar() should be removed as it uses the old facets structure and facet_div() implements the same functionality but uses the new facets.

In facets.html, facet_list_items() will have to be updated to not use the facet_items() helper and to use the new facets structure instead.

Anywhere that "new_facets" appears it will have to be changed to "facets" (e.g. in the ckanext/multilingual/

This is the merge commit that introduced the duplication:

This is the earlier commit where the search facets were refactored:

#2231 fixed Base harvester broken on 1.6.1 amercader amercader

Reported by amercader, 2 years ago.


On its current version, ckanext-harvest passed a custom schema to package_create and package_update to allow defining an id for new packages (the same as in remote ckan instances) [1]

Recent changes in the logic layer have made that the context object is no longer directly read from the context, but only get from plugins [2]. This makes the schema sent from ckanext-harvest to be ignored and the harvesting fails because the id field is not expected

ValidationError: {'Id': u'The input field id was not expected.'}

We need a way to either:

  1. Be more flexible accepting schemas on the logic functions
  2. Modify the harvester plugin to implement the necessary interface



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