Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1255 - 1257 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1344 fixed datetime error json conversion on search kindly kindly

Reported by kindly, 3 years ago.


Json decoding error on search, due to date in resources.

#1345 fixed Investigate possible memory leak kindly nils.toedtmann

Reported by nils.toedtmann, 3 years ago.


There is some evidence pointing to CKAN handling memory inefficiently or even leaking under certain conditions:

When we migrated from (32bit) to (64bit) (ticket) we experienced extraordinary memory usage peaks (ticket). Here are the observed value with Apache default settings:

  • eu7, mpm-prefork: base level ~0.6GB, peaks up to 2GB
  • s055, mpm-prefork: base level ~1GB, peaks up to 4GB
  • s055, mpm-worker: base level ~1.5GB, peaks up to 6GB

William reduced the life-time of a WSGI CKAN process from 500 requests down to 25 requests (changeset). This (together with two other tweaks) changed the situation drastically:

  • s055, mpm-event: base level ~1.4GB, no peaks

This suggests that the more requests a CKAN processes serves over time, the more memory it consumes, aka bad memory management or a leak.

To prove this theory, one could reduce the total number of WSGI CKAN processes as much as possible without killing the performance (e.g. down to processes=3), and then observing the relation between maximum-requests=25...500 and memory consumption.

On 14/09/11 17:49, David Read wrote:

Someone to do a bit of top-down memory-use profiling would be very useful. Also useful would be something in the tests that reported what test cases use lots of memory - this could be in the nose plugin.


#1356 fixed Can not recreate a deleted extra kindly amercader

Reported by amercader, 3 years ago.


If you delete an extra and later on change your mind, you can not recreate it with the same value (Different value works fine).

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.