Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1285 - 1287 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#249 invalid Regex search rgrp dread

Reported by dread, 4 years ago.


Search of package name and title (and other fields) using regular expressions.

Current example use-case: Wanting to specify packages with title beginning with 'B'.


  • Syntax for specifying regex over natural language search - could it be contained in the q param so be available to users of the WUI, or do we simply make it alternative fields?


  • Postgres reg ex searching detailed here:

#2 fixed Register as user on the service somebody johnbywater

Reported by johnbywater, 8 years ago.


As a


I want to

Be able to register as a user on the service

So that

One can login and be an authenticated user and perform the actions that only authenticated users can perform


  • Registration involves the provisional of a minimal set of user details, namely:
    1. username (unique in lifetime of the service)
    2. fullname
    3. email
    4. password
#9 fixed Register new package somebody johnbywater

Reported by johnbywater, 8 years ago.


As a

Authenticated User

I want to

Create/register a package

So that

The package will be listed in the system and visible to users


  • Full package registration process may be broken down into:
    1. Creating a package by provision of minimal attributes:
      1. name: unique and web-usable
      2. auto-generation of default values such as:
        1. date-registered (today's date)
        2. first owner (one owner should be created corresponding to the authenticated user performing this action)
      3. (?) auto-generate a default release
    2. updating the created package -> ../UseCase12
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.