Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (127 - 129 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#173 fixed Diffing WUI rgrp dread

Reported by dread, 5 years ago.


Use vdm diff functionality (see ticket:82) to implement diffing of packages between versions in WUI.

In package history you should be able to select to revisions and show the diff.

Estimated cost: 12h

#174 fixed Packages search broken for 'only openly licensed' rgrp dread

Reported by dread, 5 years ago.


the "only openly licensed packages" tick box seems to return blank page every time - as do queries for only openly licensed and only downloadable packages. The "only downloadable packages" tick box by itself seems to work fine. E.g. try searching for 'science'.

Raised by Jonathan Gray

#175 fixed Creation date rgrp dread

Reported by dread, 5 years ago.


'created' attribute on User, Group and Rating

datetime object:

See example on revision

Requires migrate script

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.