Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1300 - 1302 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1410 duplicate Add Gravatars to user profiles zephod zephod

Reported by zephod, 3 years ago.


Since we now require email addresses, it's sensible to request users' gravatars to add a little flavour to their user profile (and, potentially, other places eg. comments threads?)

#1412 worksforme application.js crashes when viewing a dataset with no resources rgrp seanh

Reported by seanh, 3 years ago.


Create a new dataset, don't add any resources to the dataset yet, view the dataset in ckan, if you have firebug enabled you'll see the error "resource is undefined" at line 699 of application.js.

#1413 fixed Ask users to 'add email address' when logged in seanh shevski

Reported by shevski, 3 years ago.


I'd like us to display a one-off banner that prompts users who log into to go and update & their profile & fill in their email address (if we could do it just for those who don't have an email address, then even better) That is, once they log in, they see a banner which says: Please update your profile [here] and add your email address, so you can receive notifications, be able to reset your password and get updates

Then when we build notifications or if we decide to survey people, we can actually contact them. Email address should be required as standard

DR: Also, mention their Full Name too - v. useful for selecting correct user in group curation

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