Custom Query (2152 matches)
Results (1336 - 1338 of 2152)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#1007 | wontfix | Backport WDMMG translations for extensions i18n | pudo | pudo |
Description |
Needed to allow extensions to be internationalized in the code and in templates. Requires in-template i18n domain switching which is broken between Genshi and Pylons, thus needs this hackish class. cf. |
#1008 | fixed | eval() of user display name in template head | rgrp | pudo |
Description |
We're currently setting the user preferences links via a javascript snippet that also evals the name. This should be removed as we're not displaying the user name any longer. We should also have page fragment caching in Genshi, which is not currently implmented. cf. |
#1019 | fixed | Webhooks notification service | pudo | pudo |
Description |
We propose the following push approach using individual packages:
It will be sent as the body of the request with content-type set to application/json.