Custom Query (2152 matches)


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Results (1348 - 1350 of 2152)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#454 fixed Import ONS data via API dread dread
#399 fixed Import BIS data for SD dread johnbywater
#2501 fixed Implement three step dataset creation in demo site toby aron.carroll

Reported by aron.carroll, 2 years ago.


New form should allow three steps.

  1. Add basic fields to create a dataset
  2. Add a data resource to the dataset (this can be repeated multiple times using "Save and add another"
  3. Add final metadata to the dataset.

It should be possible to jump backward through the steps by clicking the arrows at the top. Errors in fields should be validated for each step when the next button is clicked.


Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.